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Melissa Malani
Aug 5, 20224 min read
Celebrating the everyday moments
Sponsored by Enterprise I’m guilty of almost always trying to live in the future. I find myself getting so caught up in the “when” of...
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Melissa Malani
Jul 8, 20223 min read
Anniversary Getaway with Enterprise to Walt Disney World
It’s hard to believe, but Chuck and I just celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary in May! What is even harder to believe is that we...
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Melissa Malani
Jul 1, 20223 min read
Making the most of your off-season
For a lot runners, summer can be a time of change: kids are out of school, vacations on the calendar, schedules vary, and of course the...
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Melissa Malani
Jun 10, 20227 min read
Summer Running Tips
Ok y'all it's been a minute since I had any regularity with posting on this blog - but I'm about to change that! I enjoyed it, I missed...
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Melissa Malani
Apr 7, 20227 min read
Memories from runDisney Princess Half Marathon Weekend - Enchanted 10k partnership with Enterprise
Backstory Go back in time with me, to April 18, 2012. On that date, I set a goal to start running – and that said, by February 2013, I...
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Melissa Malani
May 14, 20207 min read
Running now, more than ever
It's been a hot minute since I updated my blog. Life got REALLY busy. And then, a couple months ago, we as a collective human race,...
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Melissa Malani
Oct 7, 20193 min read
Embracing the season
For the past seven months, life has been different. It’s had a quicker pace, family members going in different directions every day, and...
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Melissa Malani
Sep 12, 20194 min read
A birthday, a holiday, a hurricane, and grace
"Whirlwind" is a great description for the last few weeks. Phew! Back to school time is always welcomed, as it brings back structure...
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Melissa Malani
Aug 27, 20193 min read
What's the BEST that could happen?
When pushing myself out of my comfort zone, I often find myself asking the opposite of this question: What's the worst that could happen?...
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Melissa Malani
Aug 15, 20193 min read
National Day of Relaxation?!
Wait, there's a National Day of Relaxation?!?! Yes, friends, there is and it's today! August 15th is the annual day that we reserve to...
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Melissa Malani
Jul 31, 20196 min read
Fear of (public) Failure
A couple of months ago my running coach told me she wanted me to find some local 5k or 10k races in July and August. I don't have any...
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Melissa Malani
Jul 21, 20194 min read
Community & Collaboration
This week was one with some peaks and, unfortunately, more valleys. I'm going to choose to focus on the peaks. Full disclosure, while...
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Melissa Malani
Jul 14, 20195 min read
I left my (running) heart in Ohio
This week I went to Wooster, Ohio. If you've never heard of it, that's normal, most people haven't. :) It's best described as...
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Melissa Malani
Jul 8, 20193 min read
Here goes nothin'!
Hi y'all! So, a blog? Why? Well, I guess the better question is why not? I've always enjoyed blogs (and vlogs) and learned so much...
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